Puzzling Out Prosthetics
Most of the time, if you break a bone or sprain an ankle, you go to the doctor. They’ll tell you to ice it and will sometimes put it in a cast. But what happens if you lose your leg or arm?

The Science Behind Games: How AI Has Transformed The Gaming Industry
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the computer science category that seeks to mimic functions of human intelligence within computer science, which is programmed into machines and computers. To many people outside of the realm of computer science, this may seem like a foreign idea, but this is far from the truth. In fact, AI is a common function ingrained within the technology of your very home.

Undersea Adventures - Robotics and the Deep Sea
When people think of robotics, they often picture complex machines performing a variety of tasks, from lifting heavy objects to delicate operations like soldering or even surgery. In recent years, the scope of what people imagine robots doing has expanded to a new and exciting frontier in space - think the Mars rover or far-reaching satellites. However, there is another vast, unexplored world that robots are starting to explore, and it is much closer to home.

Engineering Ventilators
Especially during COVID-19, ventilators have become incredibly important. These useful tools are needed when the body’s respiratory system stops working properly.

Radiosurgery: Methods and Limitations
Radiosurgery is a way of removing tumors from organs like the brain, lungs, liver, and pancreas without actually performing surgery on an individual. It relies on several low-dosage beams of radiation targeted at the tumor.
Radiosurgery: An Introduction
Brain surgery can be a daunting prospect and traditional neurosurgery is often painful and requires a lengthy recovery time. Even so, the patient may not be completely rid of the tumor and recurrence can always occur. An alternative to traditional brain surgery is stereotactic radiosurgery, which utilizes beams of radiation to target a brain tumor in a completely non-invasive way.

Try Parametric Studio Games For Free During The Virtual ED Games Expo 2021
Parametric Studios is excited to be part of the second annual Virtual ED Games Expo, which takes place June 1-5, 2021, and showcases innovation in educational technology.
Perseverance Has a Helicopter!
Recently, Mars welcomed yet another visitor from Earth, named Perseverance. If you don’t already know, Perseverance is the third robot we’ve sent to Mars and is specifically designed to collect evidence of life. It has a variety of tools to do so, and in this article, we’re going to talk about one of them!

Extracting DNA Experiment
The reason why we squished the strawberries was to break their outermost layer - a rigid cell wall. By breaking that cell wall, you are exposing the inner strawberry cells because they have nothing to protect them.