How to Choose the right STEM Learning Toy for your child

What are STEM Toys?

STEM learning toys help children understand concepts of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through hands-on experiences. STEM learning toys provide a connection between these important concepts and real-life situations. These concepts are important in both academic and professional environments. It’s never too soon to get your child interested in STEM. In fact, introducing STEM concepts to children at an early age can be highly beneficial for your child’s development. 

STEM toys prepare children to work in dynamic fields, help them manage their emotions during challenging tasks, teach them to be problem solvers, and inspire original thinking. 

With so many STEM learning toys available, it can be difficult to know which toy is best for your child. Here’s how you can choose the right STEM learning toy for your child. 

Keep it Simple

When starting out with STEM toys, go for something that is straightforward and easy, especially for younger kids. Look for toys that specifically state they are for beginners. A little challenge is great for kids, but if the toy is too difficult to use, it can create a negative first experience with STEM.

Additionally, look for toys that explain STEM subjects. Bonus points if the toy begins with an easy project and provides stepping stones to more intricate concepts. 

Target Their Interests

The best STEM learning toy for your child is one that targets their interests. This way, children don’t feel like they are studying, they are just playing with something they already love! Think about things that interest your child, maybe they love spaceships, dinosaurs, or a certain cartoon character. There are so many STEM learning toys out there, you can definitely find one that uses a specific theme or concept that will capture your child’s attention. 

Choosing a toy that your child is interested in will ensure they get the most out of the experience. When children are having fun, they are more open to new ideas and challenges. The STEM learning toy should be a positive experience so make sure you set your child up for success by choosing a toy that they are already interested in. 

Allow Kids the Freedom to Learn

STEM toys that allow experimentation, trial and error, and independent thinking give children the freedom to take control of their learning experience. Toys like this promote self-reliance and confidence in children. Some toys may require assistance from parents, but let your child lead the way and ask for help when they need it. 

STEM builder kits that provide multiple options for children to build are a great choice and give children the opportunity to make their own decisions while learning. You might also consider toys that are gender neutral so that they can be passed down and enjoyed by more than one child. 

The Benefits of STEM Toys

STEM learning toys offer plenty of benefits for children. The most important part is that they actually enjoy playing with the toy. While searching for the perfect STEM toy for your child, make sure to get their input or even take them shopping with you and let them pick out their own toy. 

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Parametric Studio

Parametric Studio Inc. is an ed-tech company specializing in engineering-centric, project-based STEM software.

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