Archimedes’ Bathtub Barge Weekly Challenge #1
Parametric Studio is excited to present the first weekly challenge for our home-learners! This first one is designed for 3-6 graders but it will definitely still be fun for younger and older kids too.
You will be asked to solve a design problem that involves a toy barge, your bathtub, and the laws of physics (and maybe even a few pirates, rubber duckies, a sea monsters). Excited? You should be!
Test your knowledge, to build a vessel to carry as much food cargo across these treacherous waters as you can. Don’t worry in the end you can test your boat in a high-tech simulator to see how you did, and then you can print out your design and make it for real! When you finish the challenge just message us in the DESCARTES app for your badge. AND… if your parents want help take a picture of your creation and send it to us and we will post the coolest design from the week (all the info is in the challenge).
Remember, you have everything you need to participate; all you need are household items and a free trial to DESCARTES. A free trial can be requested by simply clicking the FREE TRIAL button on the website. The help videos and a worksheet guide are in the app ready for you to use and if you have a question just post it to us in the app and we will help (that is in the videos too!). We wish you smooth sailing.
Good luck, Captain!