How Can I Keep My Child Learning this Summer?
When the final bell rings on the last day of school, very few students head out the door thinking about how they will retain what they’ve learned over the summer months. Although summer is full of opportunities for family bonding, making new friends, and enjoying the great outdoors, it is also an obstacle for students’ education. When students return to school in the fall, many of them will have forgotten important information and actually find themselves at lower levels of progress compared to their last day of school. Keep reading to learn about how you can keep your child learning this summer.
1. Use Practice Worksheets or Workbooks
You can find tons of affordable worksheets and workbooks on Pinterest and Amazon. Considering making it a weekly routine, maybe your younger children will do one worksheet per week while older children can take on three or four worksheets per week. Workbooks are sold in many different themes so you can find one that your child will get excited about. Feel free to pick one out together to make sure they’re interested in the worksheets. This is a great way to keep your child’s mind sharp over the summer months.
2. Take a Family Field Trip
A field trip is a great way to incorporate learning into your summer schedule. Check out your local museums, zoos, libraries, and science centers for an educational trip. You might want to coordinate with some local families to get a group together and really make it feel like a school field trip! Afterward, you can gather with the kids and families to talk about the most interesting aspects of the trip.
3. Do At-Home Science Experiments
Help your children develop a passion for STEM by setting up some exciting science experiments at home this summer. Check out 25 Awesome Science Experiments you can do at home with your family. These experiments will keep your child’s mind curious this summer. Many of the experiments can be done outdoors, so you won’t sacrifice any time outdoors by setting up a science experiment. To get the most out of this activity, have your child keep an ‘observation journal’ so that they can document the science experiment process and reflect on what they learned.
4. Plan a Summer Reading Schedule
At the beginning of summer, talk with your child and set a goal for how many books they want to read over the summer. After you decide on an appropriate goal, write up a reading schedule for them to follow, this will help them stay on track all summer long. Choose a couple of books to read and a reward for completing each book. You might celebrate with a movie night or a pizza party!
5. Have Fun with a Weekly Family Game Night
Game-based play has become quite popular in education; many studies have shown the positive effects of using games to boost student learning. This is an excellent way to keep children’s minds sharp over the summer. Games like Monopoly and Bananagrams help kids learn mathematics and spelling. There are so many games to choose from, so you can pick the one that’s right for your family. Make it a weekly event to combine learning with family bonding.
Final Thoughts
Everyone loves summer, but there is always a risk of learning loss. Don’t let your children fall behind this summer. Keep their minds sharp by using any of these tips to keep your child learning all summer long!